Current Rental Property Mortgage Rates

Investment Property Mortgage Broker
October 5, 2022
Best Mortgage Rates for Investment Property
October 5, 2022

Investing in rental properties is an approach that can develop into an income that produces long-term wealth. The interest rate is one notable distinction; it is usually higher. Even if financing a home dwelling is simpler than qualifying for a loan for an investment property and its potential rental income.

Understanding home loan finance is essential whether you’re planning to buy your first investment property or already have a portfolio of homes. Mortgages for rental properties have higher rates and stricter criteria than mortgages for your permanent dwelling.

Just like with permanent residences, interest rates on mortgages for investment properties change over time. Generally, interest rates for homes purchased as investments are greater than those purchased for personal use. This is because banks view investment properties as having a manageable level of risk. For this reason, not all banks will decide to provide mortgages for investment houses.

Purchasing this property involves inevitable risk, just like any other investment. This article looks at what rental property mortgage rates are, describes them in detail, examines the current rental property mortgage rates, then describes actions borrowers can take to increase their chances of eligibility by meeting the strict criteria for investment loans. Read on to find out.

What Are Rental Property Interest Rates?

Rental property mortgage rates are the interest rates that lenders charge for properties that are rented out. Like other loans, this rate is based on the borrower’s financial portfolio, including their credit standing and available cash. Unfortunately, the stakes are higher with investment property loans, forcing lenders to hike interest rates to offset the elevated risk. In other words, your chances of getting the best prices are better if you have a higher credit score and a larger down payment.

What Are Financing Options Available for Buying a Rental Property?

Borrowers have several loan alternatives with rental property finance for rentals, including:

  • Conventional investment mortgage:  This type of loan is similar to traditional house loans but has higher interest rates and more significant down payments.
  • Bridge loan: This choice enables purchasers to make a contingency-free offer on a rental property and offers finance during a transitional phase. It is another short-term loan.
  • Government-backed mortgage: This choice for a lower down payment is available to those who qualify for FHA or VA loans. The only condition is that the borrower must reside in one of the units in a multi-unit building.
  • Portfolio loans: These are provided by lenders with adjustable features. That can entail a lower down payment or the capacity to finance numerous residences, depending on the borrower. Remember that loan flexibility comes with higher interest rates.
  • Hard money loan: This kind frequently features high rates and expenses that make it unsuitable for most investments. However, these quick loans can be helpful when you need a quick funding process.
  • Home equity loan or line of credit (HELOC): Use the accumulated home equity to finance the down payment and the mortgage on a rental property. Keep in mind that the principal residence is used as collateral in this alternative.
  • Cash-out refinances: Refinancing enables borrowers to take out a new mortgage that surpasses their current loan and then withdraw the remaining amount in cash, much like when using home equity.
  • Owner financing: This choice, often called seller financing, provides owners with future cash flow without the responsibility of operating as a landlord. Despite being less expensive than conventional banks and brokers, anticipate rising mortgage rates.

When no other financing choices are available, some lenders provide commercial and residential property loans that can be utilized for homes and apartment buildings. Commercial loans are more challenging to set up but are still possible if the rent is more than the mortgage costs.

What Affects Rental Property Interest Rates?

Mortgage providers significantly influence the rate charged. The Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac businesses, which are a part of the country’s housing finance system, set rules for most mortgages, including the terms and costs. Due to the increased risks, they charge higher prices for investment homes, which leads to lenders boosting interest rates to comply with the rules.

The borrower’s credit rating, debt-to-income ratio, loan-to-value ratio, and cash reserves are other factors that influence mortgage rates for rental properties. In addition, rental property loans have more stringent requirements than mortgages for primary residences, which makes obtaining affordable rates on investments difficult.

Credit Score Requirements

For customers financing rental homes, lenders impose a stricter credit score requirement. For instance, borrowers of conventional loans can be approved for a home with a FICO score of 620. Borrowers of investment loans, on the other hand, require a score of 640 or above. And that’s just the minimum, not even at a competitive rate.

Down Payment Requirements

Lenders’ additional risk management strategy when providing loans for real estate investing is higher down payment requirements. The amount of the required down payment is determined by the borrower’s loan type, DTI ratio, and LTV ratio.

The down payment for conventional rental property financing ranges from 15 to 25 percent. Compared to the minimum three percent required for a primary residence, that is a large down payment. Although down payments on government-backed loans don’t rise—they stay at 3 1/2 percent for FHA loans and nil for VA and USDA—inflated interest rates eventually make up the difference.

Other Rental Property Requirements

Lenders look at your credentials as a potential landlord in several ways when you apply for a loan for a rental property. First-time real estate investors should anticipate eligibility challenges and the importance of a history of property ownership. In addition, there are other requirements (such as having bank cash reserves) and limitations depending on the loan (i.e., a limit on the number of rental properties).

These factors may affect investment mortgage rates. Details differ depending on the lender because they are not official guidelines. Before making a purchase, inquire with the loan officer regarding such accessories.

How to Lower the Loan Interest Rates for Rental Properties

Here are a few tips to improve one’s chances of getting the best mortgage rates on loans for rental property:

Improve Creditworthiness

Rates for investment properties are dependent on a borrower’s credit rating. The lowest credit score required for investment properties is 640, although purchasers can get better rates with scores over 700. Therefore, the ideal course of action is establishing and maintaining a solid score before applying to secure advantageous terms, such as a cheaper monthly payment. Investors can increase their rental rates and cash flow thanks to these advantages.

Increase Size of Down Payment

Making a more significant down payment is the most reliable approach to reducing the interest rate on a rental property. By making a minimum 20 percent down payment, many expenses are eliminated. In order to pay more for the initial deposit and save more money with lower rates, it can be worthwhile to consider borrowing against the equity of a primary dwelling or shopping for less expensive property.

Pay Off Existing Debt

An investor’s DTI ratio shouldn’t be more than 43% after comparing monthly debt to monthly gross income. Starting with little debt pays off with lower rates because mortgage payments on a rental property require more cash. Lenders factor in a portion of the anticipated rental revenue when determining DTI. Include other expenses in your budget, including upkeep, homeowners insurance, and property taxes.

Save More in Cash Reserves

Creditors still require cash reserves as liquid assets after paying the down payment and closing charges. Proof of six to twelve months’ worth of mortgage payments for investment home loans is required. This extra cash proves your capacity to cover the rental property’s costs even in a vacancy.

Shop Around

According to studies, home buyers who submit multiple loan applications are less likely to be given exorbitant rates. In addition, comparing interest rates from three to five different lenders is best since competition tends to drive down prices.

What are Today’s Rental Property Interest Rates?

Interest rates on investment properties are constantly changing. A lender will charge depending on several variables, including income, debt, available cash, and credit score. Given that different lenders have different fees, it is hard to provide a definite value.

Most lenders typically raise regular property mortgage rates for investment homes by 0.5% to 0.75%. For instance, the typical 30-year fixed interest rate for a primary mortgage could be 3.92%. On the other hand, the typical fixed interest rate for a 15-year loan could be 2.97%.

So, based on current investment property mortgage rates, what can you anticipate paying?

A 30-year fixed investment property mortgage may have an average interest rate of 4.42% to 4.67%. You could anticipate paying between 3.47% and 3.72% for a 15-year fixed investment loan. Once more, this entirely relies on the lender in issue, your present situation, and particularly how large your down payment will be.

To know if you’ll likely be approved for an investment loan, you should calculate your potential monthly repayments and your anticipated rental yield. For illustration, suppose you wanted to take out a 30-year mortgage to buy a $300,000 home in California. 60% of the purchase price, or $60,000, is put down. Your monthly payment on the principal of the mortgage plus interest would be $1,202 if you had good credit and were given a favorable rate of 4.4%. This illustration assumes that you have a good credit score and get an interest rate that is competitive with market rates. However, there might be a wide range of interest rates, so you must do your study.

Getting several estimates is the most effective technique to figure out rental property pricing. The easiest way to acquire and compare mortgage rates is to call or contact someone online because mortgage prices continually fluctuate. To find out more, immediately speak with an Aurum and Sharpe Mortgage agent. ‍

How do I get the Best Rates for my Rental Property?

Loans for investment property typically have higher interest rates. When a lender is aware that a property is not your primary residence, it raises the warning sign of risk.

It makes sense when you consider it from the bank’s viewpoint. Simply put, default rates are higher for real estate investors. Investors are more likely to prioritize keeping their primary residence if they are experiencing financial difficulties. Their residential rentals? They can cut and run from those people.

Are you planning to apply for a mortgage for a rental or investment property soon? Lenders raise the interest rate to reflect the increased risk, which generally results in loans costing investors more money. Thankfully, you don’t have to accept anything without question. What you can do to receive a better rate is listed below:

Consider staying in one of the units

Consider using one of the apartments as your primary residence if you’re buying a property with many units. With this technique, often known as “home hacking,” you can achieve reduced interest rates on conventional loans and be eligible for other loan programs, such as FHA loans.

FHA loans require a lower credit score than other types of mortgages, and down payments as low as 3.5% are possible. This approach may help you save money both now and in the future because of the low rates they carry. (Remember to account for mortgage insurance.)

Make a big down payment

The lender can offer you better interest rates because there is less money on the line when you put more money down. In general, you’ll need a 20% to 25% down payment for an investment property, but if you can put more down, you’ll save a lot of money on interest.

Consider using your other homes (or your primary residence) as a resource if you don’t have much money. Then, you can increase your down payment by using the equity in those properties by using a cash-out refinance, home equity loan, or HELOC. Make sure, however, that the math is on your side, that the interest you pay on the refinance or equity loan won’t outweigh the rate savings.

Work on your credit

Whether you’re applying for a rental property loan, a standard mortgage, or even a car loan, your credit, and more specifically your credit score, will significantly impact the interest rates you receive. The lowest rates are typically offered to applicants with credit scores between 740 and 850, but the higher your score, the better.

Take the time to get your credit score and comprehensive credit report if you know you’ll be buying a rental property soon. First, check your report for areas that need improvement if your score falls below the cutoff of 740. Then, start making payments on your high-balance obligations, settle any late payments, and notify the credit bureaus of any mistakes.

 As long as you don’t raise your balance simultaneously, requesting an expansion of your credit limit may also be beneficial.

Have lots in cash reserves

Being well-funded is a terrific strategy to lower the risk you represent to lenders. Lenders will trust you more if you have a sizable savings account since they know you can cover any shortfalls in income. As a result, there will be a lower chance of financial difficulties and defaulting on your loan.

Most of the time, lenders demand that investors have enough cash on hand to pay their new mortgage in full, including taxes, insurance, and interest, for at least six months. As a result, you’ll obtain the most excellent rates if you can double that and have at least one full year’s worth of payments on hand.

Shop around for your lender

Different lenders have different needs. In fact, the majority have vastly different loan programs, eligibility standards, and, most importantly, interest rates, so it’s essential to compare options before deciding where to apply.

Getting only five mortgage quotes claims Freddie Mac can result in a $3,000 savings. So make sure to receive loan estimates from at least three to five different lenders. Both rates and fees, as well as their overall prices, should be compared.

The Bottom Line

When considering whether or not real estate investing is suitable for you, mortgage rates for investment properties should be considered. Investing in rental homes can help you expand your money. For example, a single percentage point difference throughout a 30-year fixed-term investment mortgage might result in thousands of dollars in savings.

This shows that real estate is truly an appealing alternative for investment because it provides a consistent passive income and the potential for appreciation. However, it might be more expensive and difficult to qualify for a loan on a rental property. You can make good use of the tips above to receive the lowest mortgage rates for your rental property.

Aurum and Sharpe can assist you in finding a mortgage that reduces your investment expenses and enables you to start generating a reliable, consistent income for yourself and your family. Speak to an expert right away.



Mortgage Rates

Mixed Use: 7.685

Office: 7.685

Retail: 7.685

2-4 Units: 7.685

Multi-Family: 7.685

Portfolio of 2-4 family homes: 7.685

single family: 7.685

portfolio of single family homes: 7.685

Calculate Your Monthly Payment

Mortgage Information

Monthly Payment

Principal and Interest: $0

Total Monthly Payment: $0

Bryan Hanley
Bryan Hanley
Bryan has been working in the mortgage industry since 2005. He has worked at banks such as JP Morgan Chase, The Federal Savings Bank, and Santander Bank. He published a book about mortgages for entrepreneurs called "The House Hustle" in 2014 (, and co-owns Aurum and Sharpe