How to Get Financing for the BRRR Strategy: What’s the Deal with Real Estate Loans?

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Hey there, folks! Let’s talk about real estate investing. You know, that thing everyone’s cousin and Uber driver are suddenly experts in. Specifically, we’re diving into the BRRR strategy. No, it’s not a new dating app or a fancy latte at Starbucks. It’s a way to build wealth through real estate. BRRR stands for Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, and Repeat. Sounds easy, right? But what’s the deal with getting financing for this thing?

Buy: Finding the Money

First up, you gotta buy a property. And unless you’ve got a money tree in your backyard (and if you do, let’s talk after the show), you’re going to need some cash. Traditional mortgages are great if you’re buying your forever home, but for BRRR, you need something with a bit more oomph.

Enter hard money lenders. These guys are like the cab drivers of the loan world. They get you from Point A to Point B quickly, but it’s going to cost you. High interest rates, short terms, and hefty fees. But hey, if you need to close fast on a fixer-upper, they’re your best bet.

Rehab: The Fixer-Upper Fund

Now, you’ve bought your property. It’s time to rehab, which is just a fancy word for fixing everything that’s broken. This is where things can get pricey. Contractors, materials, unexpected surprises like finding out the previous owner was using the basement as a meth lab. You know, the usual.

Some hard money lenders will finance the rehab costs, which is nice of them. But remember, they’re not doing this out of the kindness of their hearts. They want their money back, and then some. So, make sure you’ve got a solid plan and a reliable contractor who won’t vanish halfway through the job.

Rent: Show Me the Money!

Rehab done? Great! Now it’s time to rent out your property. This is where you start seeing some return on your investment. Getting tenants in the door means you’ve got cash flow, which is key to the whole BRRR strategy.

But don’t forget, you’re still paying off that hard money loan with its sky-high interest rate. So, keep those rents competitive but enough to cover your costs. And maybe hold off on that gold-plated toilet. You’re not a rapper, you’re a real estate investor.

Refinance: The Great Switcheroo

This is where the magic happens. You refinance your property to pay off that expensive hard money loan. Now, this sounds easy, but getting a traditional lender to refinance a recently rehabbed property can be trickier than getting a cat to take a bath.

Lenders want to see that the property is occupied, in good condition, and generating income. They’ll look at your credit score, the property’s value, and your rental income. It’s like trying to convince your parents you’re responsible enough for a puppy. You’ve got to have all your ducks in a row.

Repeat: Wash, Rinse, Repeat

Congratulations! You’ve made it through one cycle of BRRR. Now, take that refinanced money and do it all over again. But remember, it’s not as easy as hitting the replay button on Netflix. Each property comes with its own set of challenges, so be prepared.

The Pitfalls: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

  • Overestimating ARV: That’s After Repair Value for you newbies. If you think your property will be worth a million bucks but it only appraises for half that, you’re in trouble.
  • Underestimating Rehab Costs: Fixing up a property always costs more than you think. Always. If you budget $50,000, it’ll cost $75,000. If you budget $100,000, sell a kidney.
  • Vacancies: If you can’t find tenants, your cash flow dries up faster than your Aunt Rita’s Thanksgiving turkey. And without cash flow, you can’t pay off loans or save for the next property.
  • Interest Rates: They can be like the weather in New York: unpredictable and often unpleasant. Rising rates mean higher costs when refinancing.

So, what’s the deal with BRRR financing? It’s all about finding the right lenders, managing costs, and staying flexible. You’re not just buying a house; you’re running a business. But hey, if it was easy, everyone would be doing it, right? Just remember to keep an eye on those interest rates, find good tenants, and never, ever underestimate how much a rehab will cost. Now, go out there and make some deals! And if it all goes south, at least you’ve got a great story for the next family gathering.

Mortgage Rates

Mixed Use: 7.705

Office: 7.705

Retail: 7.705

2-4 Units: 7.705

Multi-Family: 7.705

Portfolio of 2-4 family homes: 7.705

single family: 7.705

portfolio of single family homes: 7.705

Calculate Your Monthly Payment

Mortgage Information

Monthly Payment

Principal and Interest: $0

Total Monthly Payment: $0

Bryan Hanley
Bryan Hanley
Bryan has been working in the mortgage industry since 2005. He has worked at banks such as JP Morgan Chase, The Federal Savings Bank, and Santander Bank. He published a book about mortgages for entrepreneurs called "The House Hustle" in 2014 (, and co-owns Aurum and Sharpe