How to Get Your Kids Interested in Joining You in Real Estate Investing

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Real estate investing can be a powerful tool for building wealth and financial security. Introducing your children to this world not only equips them with valuable skills but also creates an opportunity for family bonding and legacy building. Engaging kids in real estate investing requires patience, creativity, and a genuine passion for teaching. Here’s how to do it in a loving, firm, and Oprah-inspired way.

1. Start with the Basics

Before diving into the complexities of real estate investing, it’s essential to start with the basics. Simplify concepts and make them relatable to your children’s current understanding.

Explain Key Concepts:

  • Ownership: Talk about what it means to own property.
  • Income: Explain how renting a property can generate income.
  • Value: Discuss how properties can appreciate in value over time.

Example: “Imagine you buy a small house. You can rent it out to someone, and they’ll pay you money every month. Over time, the house might become more valuable, so when you sell it, you make even more money.”

2. Make Learning Fun

Children learn best when they are having fun. Use games, activities, and interactive experiences to teach them about real estate investing.

Fun Learning Activities:

  • Monopoly: Play Monopoly to introduce concepts like buying, selling, and managing properties.
  • Field Trips: Visit properties together, such as open houses or investment properties, to give them a real-world perspective.
  • DIY Projects: Engage them in small home improvement projects to teach them about property maintenance and value addition.

3. Share Real-Life Stories

Stories are a powerful way to capture children’s interest and make lessons memorable. Share your own experiences or those of successful investors.

Storytelling Tips:

  • Personal Anecdotes: Talk about your first investment property, the challenges you faced, and the successes you achieved.
  • Historical Examples: Discuss famous real estate moguls and how they built their fortunes.
  • Family History: If applicable, share stories of real estate investments made by grandparents or other family members.

4. Involve Them in the Process

Hands-on experience is invaluable. Involve your kids in various stages of your real estate investments to give them practical insights.

Ways to Involve Kids:

  • Property Search: Let them help search for potential investment properties online or accompany you on site visits.
  • Decision-Making: Include them in discussions about buying decisions, explaining the pros and cons of different properties.
  • Management Tasks: Assign age-appropriate tasks, such as helping with property maintenance, managing rental listings, or organizing paperwork.

5. Teach Financial Literacy

Financial literacy is the cornerstone of successful real estate investing. Teach your kids about money management, budgeting, and saving.

Financial Lessons:

  • Budgeting: Show them how to create a budget for a property purchase or renovation.
  • Saving: Teach them the importance of saving money for future investments.
  • Investing: Explain how investing money in real estate can generate returns over time.

6. Encourage Questions and Discussions

Create an open environment where your children feel comfortable asking questions and discussing their thoughts. This encourages curiosity and deeper understanding.

Discussion Starters:

  • What If Scenarios: Pose hypothetical situations and ask for their input on what they would do.
  • Pros and Cons: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different investment strategies.
  • Market Trends: Talk about current real estate market trends and what they mean for investors.

7. Set Up a Family Investment Project

A family investment project can be an excellent way to engage your kids and teach them about real estate investing firsthand.

Project Ideas:

  • Rental Property: Purchase a small rental property and manage it as a family.
  • Fixer-Upper: Buy a fixer-upper and work together to renovate it, teaching them about value addition.
  • Real Estate Portfolio: Create a mock real estate portfolio where they can track imaginary investments and see how they perform over time.

8. Reward Their Involvement

Recognize and reward your children’s efforts and involvement. Positive reinforcement can motivate them to continue learning and participating.

Reward Ideas:

  • Allowance Bonus: Give them a bonus allowance for their contributions to a successful investment.
  • Special Treats: Treat them to a special outing or gift as a reward for their hard work.
  • Profit Sharing: Consider sharing a small portion of the profits from a successful investment with them.

9. Lead by Example

Children learn a lot by observing their parents. Demonstrate the principles of hard work, patience, and smart investing through your actions.

Lead by Example:

  • Work Ethic: Show them the dedication and effort you put into your real estate investments.
  • Decision Making: Demonstrate how you make informed and thoughtful investment decisions.
  • Ethics: Emphasize the importance of honesty, integrity, and ethical behavior in all business dealings.

10. Foster a Growth Mindset

Instill a growth mindset in your children, encouraging them to see challenges as opportunities to learn and grow.

Growth Mindset Tips:

  • Positive Feedback: Praise their efforts and resilience, not just the outcomes.
  • Learning from Mistakes: Teach them that mistakes are a natural part of learning and growth.
  • Continuous Learning: Encourage them to keep learning about real estate and other financial opportunities.


Getting your kids interested in real estate investing is a rewarding endeavor that can set them on a path to financial independence and success. By starting with the basics, making learning fun, involving them in the process, and fostering a growth mindset, you can inspire and empower your children to join you in this exciting journey.

Bryan Hanley
Bryan Hanley
Bryan has been working in the mortgage industry since 2005. He has worked at banks such as JP Morgan Chase, The Federal Savings Bank, and Santander Bank. He published a book about mortgages for entrepreneurs called "The House Hustle" in 2014 (, and co-owns Aurum and Sharpe