About Us

Aurum and Sharpe was founded in 2017 by me, Bryan Hanley, and one of my best friends, Rudy Renelique. After many years working at big banks like Chase, and Wells Fargo, we decided we could bring value to a mortgage market that was starving for independent thinkers. So we started Aurum and Sharpe over a phone call about financing a multi-family deal in Brooklyn. Since starting this business we’ve been on many adventures from financing a $20 million portfolio of single families, to meeting the President of Rwanda and Finance Minister of Namibia.

Team and our partners at Maya’s Hope Fundraiser

Rudy has gone on to start his own firm, Overture Capital, while I’ve stayed on to grow Aurum and Sharpe. Aurum is the original Latin word for gold (that’s why the periodic table has it listed at Au). We chose it because we think of our word as “as good as Gold.” And in that vein, we want to add value to every customer we come in contact with. Our promise is that by working with us, you will increase your Freedom, Purpose, and Fulfillment.

Our process includes learning your overall objectives and where you want to go in your life so that we make sure your financing enhances your life and gets you to your destination much faster. What that means though, is that we are not like every other broker on the street that will only do a surface level amount of learning about you, your life, and your motivations. For us, that is Gold. We want to learn how we can tailor your financing so that you thrive in your life! So before we talk about rates, terms, or anything else, we are going to try and figure out how to add value through financing.

We know this approach isn’t for everyone. But if this resonates with you, lets talk: 917 475 6207

Less well known about me is that I’ve also served as the Head of Marketing at a Y combinator Cyber Security Startup (raised their value by creating winning marketing, twice), served as a marketing specialist, data management contractor for the Cyber Security Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA, which is a division of the United States Department Of Homeland Security), wrote and published “The House Hustle” for Black Entrepreneurs, wear two five-fold Crosses, hold a degree in Africana Studies from Rutgers University (I’ll always be a Scarlet Knight), and am former active firefighter.

Feel free to verify any of this on Linkedin:

Live Free! Break the Chains!

May 19, 2017
Aurum and Sharpe finances infrastructure in French West Africa

Développement d’infrastructures Touristiques en Afrique Francophone

Développement d’infrastructures touristiques en Afrique francophone Le tourisme est un formidable levier de développement économique pour l’Afrique occidentale. C’est un secteur d’activité capable de mettre en valeur les richesses culturelles et géographiques des pays ainsi que de dynamiser les économies locales et nationales. Les apports du tourisme sont nombreux. Ils permettent de développer des pans entiers de services, notamment dans les transports, la restauration et les loisirs. L’économie du bâtiment et travaux publics est également au cœur des enjeux. En effet pour accueillir les touristes, il est bien évidemment nécessaire de développer des infrastructures immobilières, des infrastructures commerciales ou de gestion. C’est pour les pays d’Afrique occidentale, une formidable source d’enrichissement et d’emplois avec laquelle il faudra compte cette prochaine décennie. La photographie actuelle du tourisme en Afrique exprime une volonté et une forte capacité pour développer cette industrie. Les […]
May 19, 2017
Aurum and Sharpe finances infrastructure across africa

Investir Em Projetos de Infraestrutura Em Angola

Motivos para investir em projetos de infraestrutura em Angola Você já parou para pensar na enorme oportunidade de investimentos que existem por ai ao redor do mundo? Acredite, existem várias oportunidades de investimentos que realmente valem a pena. Entretanto, infelizmente, algumas dessas oportunidades não passam de ouro de tolo. Para aqueles que desconhecem a expressão, ouro de touro é o tipo de ouro que só parece ouro real mas na verdade não vale nada. Em outras palavras, o que quero dizer é que existe uma quantidade considerável de oportunidades de investimentos que não passam de ilusões. Mas não estamos aqui para falar sobre oportunidades de investimentos ruins, muito pelo contrário, estamos aqui para falar sobre oportunidades de investimento em infraestrutura que realmente trazem retornos, estamos aqui para falar sobre investir em projetos de infraestrutura em Angola. E para provar que […]